
Where’s the light at the end of the

For as long as you can remember, you’ve felt dissatisfied with your relationships, career, or life. Often feeling disrespected and invisible.

“I should be closer to my spouse.”

“Why am I at this job? I could be somewhere better!”

“Everyone seems to be moving much faster than me. Everything in their life goes as it should.”


You feel as though you should be grateful.

Things could be worse.

“I don’t have it that bad. There are children starving in Ethiopia!”

But disregarding your own feelings causes you resentment and misery.

Just because your mood doesn’t match what others think you should feel, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Your feelings are never wrong.

They’re a guide to your own gut instinct which should never be ignored.

Are you afraid to use your voice, unsure of what to say?

You’ve been living your life for so many years feeling unimportant, unacknowledged, and unvalued.


There is hope, but youmust allow it.

You and your partner could have an amazing life together… if you could just communicate.

You could be at your dream job… if you had the confidence to apply and interview for the position you really want.

No one’s life is perfect, but you feel alone in the struggles that plague you.

Therapy isn’t a one size fits all model.
