Couples Therapy

It’s like you’ve become strangers.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot communicate effectively with your partner.


“He thinks I’m accusing him of something or judging him when I’m just trying to talk.”

“I’m trying to do better, but she’s constantly nagging or on my back about something.”

You both become defensive, then before you know it, you’re yelling, often about something insignificant, such as who did the dishes last.

Well, it’s never really about who did the dishes, is it?

This destructive pattern has been part of your relationship for years.

And you can’t seem to get past it.

There are deeper emotional needs that just aren’t being met.

You may or may not know why, but you know that you aren’t happy and can’t go on like this.

We can help get your relationship back on track.

Are you ready to break the destructive cycles of miscommunication, blame, and unhappiness in your relationship?

Couples Therapy can give you and your partner the insight you need to strengthen your relationship and get it where you want it to be.

We’ll provide you tools to communicate more effectively, gain a better understanding of what each one of you needs in the relationship to feel satisfied, and most importantly, help you execute these newly developed skills into your daily life as a couple.

Don’t stay a stranger to the one you love.

If you’re ready to learn skills, gain understanding, and feel more relationship satisfaction, give us a call 603-634-8822.

We look forward to talking with you!

We look forward to hearing from you!

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