
Have you ever thought…

“I’m constantly plagued with a sense of needing to crawl out of my own skin.”

“I haven’t slept well in years because I can’t shut my mind off.”

“I do the bare minimum at work because I can’t concentrate, but sooner or later my colleagues and boss will find out that I’m a fraud.”

“I want to work out but can barely bring myself to do even the basics in life as it is.”

Giving it a name…

Clyde had thought all these things… this was his story.

He didn’t know what it was called, but he knew he wanted to feel better.

It’s called anxiety.

How anxiety rears its ugly head…

Anxiety creates these kinds of thoughts (which are often invalid) …

Anxiety produces these feelings of inner turmoil…

Anxiety takes over the body in a way that keeps you from being able to think!

You can reduce your anxiety, and we can help.

By identifying problematic thought patterns and learning relaxation techniques, Clyde conquered these symptoms.

He could admit and learn that his thinking patterns (primarily all or nothing thinking) were getting in the way of him being able to see beyond what was currently distressing him at the moment and, in many cases, causing more distress.

Freedom from the chains of anxiety that bind.

Clyde no longer allows his symptoms to get in the way of his life, his true desires, and needs.

His concentration at work has improved, he sleeps better at night, and he can focus on what truly matters to him – his family and being successful in his career.

He is willing to try new things that he wouldn’t in the past, because of the anxiety brought on by getting out of his comfort zone used to bring.

While Clyde is still anxious at times, he believes that the anxiety he used to experience is much different than his current experience in a positive way.

Be like Clyde, call us today for help.

Anxiety doesn’t have to rule your life.

If you are ready to decrease your anxiety level and learn more effective coping strategies, give us a call to get started. 603-634-8822

We look forward to hearing from you!

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