Child/Adolescent Behavior and Emotional Concerns


At Healing Connections, we work with children and adolescents who are struggling with:

parent/child relationship problems

verbal/physical aggression

oppositional/defiant behaviors

tantrums, attention deficits

impulsive/hyperactive behaviors

mood disturbances


unresolved grief

exposure to trauma

inappropriate sexual behavior

school difficulties

social skills concerns

In the first few sessions, we will work with you determine the best therapy approach for your child.  Our treatment approaches vary among clients it all depends on what you want to work on.  Many of our techniques focus on emotion regulation and improving behaviors, social skills, coping strategies, parenting practices, and relationships.

Treatment approaches may include:

individual therapy with children/adolescents

play therapy with young children

family therapy

dyadic therapy (therapy for children and parents together)

parenting support sessions

We look forward to hearing from you!

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